Saturday, October 12, 2013

death of a legend, where I hope to be when it happens and what it means

I was just thinking about the Jim Henson death. It was so untimely, he was very young and very successful and there was this huge tragedy around it. One thing I've noticed with celebrity deaths is that often people deal with it by saying that it was the result of a bad habit that person had. Smoking and drinking are often underfoot and people like to say "well if only he had quit smoking." I call these people "non smokers".

Look, when a rich and well off person chooses a lifestyle it's because they can. They often know the risks and they go on anyway. You have to see the ego in being successful. Some of these people are larger than life. Living a larger than life lifestyle kills people. It's what got Chris Farley. "Oh if only he had gotten help for his drug problem" I've heard so many times. Chris Farley didn't have a drug problem, he had a life problem. To live life on the scale that he did he had to deny certain things.

I guess what I'm coming around to talking about is that if I hit it big, it will be because I have a passion and a will power that are larger than life. If I die young (anywhere under 100) it will be because of living life to the fullest every day. It will be because I took big risks, enjoyed some big fun, and tried to milk the most out of every moment of the day. Put that as my cause of death, whether it be throat cancer from the cigars or flaming fireball from a car wreck. It's not the car that will kill me, and the cigars definitely won't kill me (do you know how often they have kept me alive?). It's life, life is a terminal case. That's how I want to go, by living so much that the world can't take it.

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