Friday, October 4, 2013

a few of my political snippets.

I've been writing quite a bit on politics, and I just want it here as well as there. I hope that makes sense.

So first they said: get an education and experience and you'll make enough. Then I met hundreds of workers with bachelor's degrees, masters degrees and PhDs living under the poverty line. I've seen people who have given 20+ years to a company put out on the street because keeping them on was too expensive.

Then they said that there was assistance for when people are going through hard times. They vote more of that away every day. I was on assistance for a little over a year, just food, but it made all the difference when I had it. I actually took a cut in the money I made to go back to work. For over 2 years I have worked my butt off trying to make it. At the moment all I have to show for it is experience, wisdom and a stronger faith. I will overcome, because I am strong.

When I do climb out of this situation I'm going to remember this. I'm not going to let you do to the next generation what you've done to mine.

Anyone in America who thinks the poor are poor because they aren't working hard enough has never worked fast food. They have never met someone working two jobs and still not making ends meet. They have never had to choose between a roof over their head or food. They have never had to wonder how much longer they could eat in a given situation. They either haven't been there or they have forgotten.

This is one person reminding you, being poor is not a punishment. The poor did nothing wrong. Not being born to the right family, or knowing the right people, or having a talent that happens to be exploitable for large chunks of cash isn't criminal. We should stop treating people who struggle as if there was something they did wrong.
Oh, incidentally, my congressman is Congressman Jim Bridenstine. I will be campaigning against him in the next election I have that option. I don't care WHO it is. You could run a rabid slobbering dog, the worst a dog can do is bite you, not take down your economy. I have contacted Mr Bridenson and in so doing discovered he is an Eagle Scout. This is the first time in my life someone has made me truly ashamed to wear that title.
So, I'm seeing a trend here, Democrats are doing what people think should happen (2 have donated their salaries during the shutdown), Republicans claim they've done nothing wrong (yeah... insert snarky remark about terrorism), and the American people are pissed. This is taking it beyond what we have been seeing for the last year, which was manufactured crisis following manufactured crisis. I swear the strategy is to keep us in fear and that will keep us supporting them. It's also clear ONE party completely sucks at public relations (you know who you are). The same party also has a remarkable amount of them who seem unconcerned with their election results next year. Fact is that I plan to run a campaign to get my idiot congressman out of office. Normally I would be busy working, but since mine is among those holding the country hostage I guess he wants the people in his district to know that we can't keep having this man represent our state.Good job! You have successfully convinced me that I need to play a more active role in government.
had to reboot my browser while researching government shutdown, it froze up.
"Your government did not shut down properly, would you like to restore your previous government?" Yes, chrome, yes I would.
I happen to agree with this. Being poor shouldn't be a crime, though it's certainly treated like one in this country. Just going to the grocery store it's obvious that prices are going up, and wages aren't. In just 7 years I've seen my wages go from being more than enough to not nearly. I'm spending all my time in an education which I'm praying will somehow land me a higher earning job, not everyone can do that.
(M) When it comes to making sure people in need are fed and can provide for themselves, we have only three options;

1. We can Raise The Minimum Wage, and force corporations to pay a living wage, so that a full time minimum wage job will provide the lowest standard of living but will still be financially viable without Government assistance.

2. We can subsidize the corporations by providing government assistance, essentially paying for the corporations to rob their employees. We're already doing this instead of forcing corporations to pay a living wage, and because of it the corporations are raking in record profits while the poverty rate is rapidly rising, and the middle class has almost disappeared.

3. We can do nothing, and let the poor and starving turn to crime to support themselves, if they're not already dying on the streets from lack of food and water. If you're not a fan of either of the first two options, and most conservatives aren't, this is the option you're choosing. Whether it's your stated position or not, if you don't agree with the first two options this is what you're suggesting.

Conservatives are constantly claiming that charities would step in to fill the void if Government assistance was no longer available, but anyone familiar with how underfunded most charities already are knows that's a delusional fantasy.

I find it appalling that the party which opposes raising the minimum wage is the same party which wants to eliminate government assistance. The GOP's message to the poor is clear; your survival doesn't matter. It's time we showed the GOP the same consideration.

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