Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I thought I would type this out in an email because I don't know how to talk to anyone about it without screaming. Today, what God is asking me, is why God and I don't have a closer relationship. Let me start from the beginning, it will make more sense. Three years ago my wife walked out on me, and at that point I realized I was too damaged to settle down again right away, and I started playing around with sex. I had nothing else, at the time I often said she got God in the divorce, I'm still reasonably convinced that's pretty close to the truth. But moving on. I decided to have lots of guilt free no commitment sex..... and porn..... years go by, I start drawing closer to God. Somewhere along the way I realized that part of the reason my marriage fell apart is that one of the little known riders in christian marriage is that when you marry someone she in essence owns your sexuality. She not only gets to overhaul the house, your career, and anything else she wants, she also gets to decide how your sex drive works. The problem being that she is a woman and has never been a man. ANYWAY, the upshot of divorce is that you get your life back to make your own choices. 
Now, I grew up in the church, I've been trying to hash out my sexual desires with the fact that the church thinks I shouldn't have any for a decade now. I've been to addiction recovery, I've prayed, I've been to more alter calls than most people with actual illnesses. Yet for some reason God has yet to remove my flaw of having a sexuality and that being part of my identity (well except for when depression took it away for awhile).......... Which leads to tonight.
I have been agonizing with God, trying to understand what I'm doing wrong, trying to understand why he doesn't express any love for me. The last two weeks I have worshiped and drawn closer to him than ever, yet I have never been more financially strained and emotionally I am ready to die. I hate my life, I hate that God has nothing to do with it. I just want him to do what he promised to do, yet tonight he decided to trigger me instead. I went to 3D tonight (I've been going to church in one way or another twice a week lately, sometimes more), and walking up something felt not good. I felt out of place. All through the songs, which are all about how much God loves me, and I worship, I come in agreement because I've been trying to worship him through this hateful storm. But I don't feel loved. I feel hated, I feel like I don't belong and more and more, I feel that I want to die. I feel completely abandoned, but I know that God wants me to stay strong, so I keep worshiping. 

Then as the worship dies down, and this lady comes on stage and starts talking about when she and her husband were dating how they stayed pure. That's a trigger, I'm frankly pretty sick and tired of hearing about how happy married people are. I haven't found anyone that loves me, and I may never be able to. You don't go up to someone who can't walk and start talking about all the skiing and jumping they should be doing. Jerks. But I know it's not on purpose, and I try to get past this, then I see, this is a directed assault. I've been yelled at a lot in my life, this is something new being directly attacked by God. She goes on about not being weak, not giving in to temptation. But I don't hear her talking, I hear how God doesn't want me to have the one remaining joy in my life. I can't afford good food, and women are as I said earlier a bit beyond me, my job is hard, nothing satisfies me and without anything to relieve my stress I start to spiral into a suicidal melt down. But the attack continues. Finally, after 14 minutes of this attack, I say fine, whatever you want God. I've given you everything in my life, stepped out in faith in every way possible, and now you want to take away sex. Great. Because he knows that if he doesn't show up now, I'm going to get so hopeless and dead inside that I'm going to die. I'm so glad that him and I finally reached the point where he gave me the ammunition I need to die. I figure he's calling me home soon, because now that I've given every last bit of myself, I have nothing but him to lean on. And if I've learned one thing so far, it's that he is not there when I need him. He has not provided. So I continue to give to him, he continues to take, and the only light I see is through the grave at this point. I could have coped for year if only...... but he's got to have his rules. He wants more, I give it. With a thankful heart. I'm thankful he told me what I can do to please him. I'm thankful he's pleased because I'm bankrupt and dead. I'm thankful that he finally answered one of my desires, which is that someone else would do something to me so intense that if it didn't work out I could just clock out of this life. I'm thankful knowing he has everything of mine. I'm thankful that now I cannot ever tell anyone to follow him, because following him has become a nosedive into the grave. I'm praising him for every messed up horrible thing that he's let happen to me this past month. I know that he's either going to redeem it here or I'll get my reward after I reach the end of my rope and end this. I don't know that there is anything anyone can do to help me, aside from God, and we'll just have to wait and see what he decides to do now.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mixed signals

I need this for meditation, and I need to share this. This past week has been quite a journey for me. From losing myself to despair as another relationship collapsed in front of me, as well as my first vacation option in years. So, I did the only thing I could, in that I have committed not to die by my own hand, I turned to God. I know I've been bitter on here about him, and I want to correct the myth that I don't desire him or a closer relationship with him. This time in my life, while lacking in many things, I have grown closer to God than I have ever been. It's really been beautiful, for the first time since I was 15 I'm finally starting to get it.
I'm not wanting to talk about my past, God's grace means we can move past that. I want to talk about the present, and the last two days. Yesterday I had enough of it and I started really working. I went and I did TONS of errands I had been putting off. And I went to the gym, and then I went to church. I finally realized I can survive this, no matter how long it last, even if this is the rest of my life I can handle that. I realized, or thought I realized ANYWAY, that home is where the heart is, and right now my home is God and Me.  It's no crime to love yourself, but you have to be honest to yourself the way you would be to your spouse, because no one is going to correct you when you go wrong if you don't. This is an important concept of single living that no one ever talks about. So I came to the place where I could be... well content anyway staying here in this city that does not make me happy, around people entirely unlike me, and that I would not settle down. Oh MY GOSH! I just got an important scriptural tie in. I'm reading genesis right now, to try and  read through the bible, and I just read about Abraham sending a servant out to get Isaac a wife. This is SO cool because I had no idea why any of this mattered until just now. Abraham told his servant not to get his son a wife from the locals, because they were not right for his son. He said to go to his home and retrieve a woman from there. Flesh of my flesh, but in a modern sense this is different. I know I am not to marry a relative, that would be...... impractical let's say. BUT, I should not marry that which is not my flesh. I need to stop forcing incompatibility to work. THAT is why my marriage didn't work. I married a local. These people around me are the philistines of my world, and I do not have to marry into their number!
So, basicly what I'm explaining, apart from that outburst, is that I felt I was being affirmed that this place would allow me to survive. I saw that through working with local churches I could be part of a community that could love and accept me. So I thought the message was to be here for a few more years, maybe it still is (stomach knots up).

But then a new day dawned and today was here. Messages have been coming in ALL day about how he hasn't forgotten me, I have a destiny, he will provide, all that lovely charismatic stuff. Which says to me, be ready to move. Lord how can I be a blessing locally, invest and dig in here and at the same time be ready to leave? Which is it? I did some reading on this and it says it's natural to want to stay with the familiar, but the new is better. So I continue to hold my ground on my stance, which is, when he's ready to move, at the SOONEST moment he is ready, I will go. I expect an answer REALLY soon, either stay or go. If I stay I plan on getting my RN and investing in a simple life of bachelorhood, with all the vices and freedoms that come with that. If he moves, no that's wrong actually, When he moves (because he will move, eventually) I will move with him into the new season of my life. With my whole heart. No looking back. For now, I'm going to try to fast from certain sexual desires............ I don't know how successful I'm going to be........ Lord give me strength, give me courage, give me wisdom, show me your will and be my guiding light. Amen.

Things I won't say on facebook or to the suicide lifeline people

So it's been awhile since I got on here to talk to this thing, and right now I'm in a serious depressive episode. I really don't want to spend a paragraph setting things up, we're here, let's just unpack as we go.
I am crucially unhappy with my existence at this point. Yes not at my life, at my existence. There is an important difference between the two

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Robots and other monsters

So, for decades we have been overwhelmed with movie imagery of robots or aliens without empathy for the human experience coming down and destroying our way of life. So we keep an eye out for aliens(with SETI) and we make sure our robots are safe. What we entirely miss is that we have already made the greatest monster ever to grace this earth. It's called the modern Corporation. It's primary goal is to accumulate money. It does not care for whom it hurts in the process, because investors didn't make that part of the measure of success. If a corporation LITERALLY works people to death, or kills people, the worst that can happen to it is that it ceases to be. All the people that designed survive to design corporations that can more effectively get away with using whatever tactics they please to rape pillage and plunder our economy. I love that they then hide behind "we're job creators" in that when they have to they pay someone way less than they are worth while still making money hand over fist. They are job creators the same way plantation owners prior to the civil war were. They give you barely enough to live and call it a job. They verbally abuse you and call it management. They fire people and make you do their job because to be honest, you're better off not working, health wise, than you are working for these people. Welcome to America folks, land of screwing the little guy.