Friday, March 23, 2012

My 2012 Political Platform

So for those of you who don't know, I am running for president 2012, to oppose the madness in this race. First of all I was born in America, Dallas Texas to two American parents. I have my birth certificate and can produce it on request.

So let's begin, my stance issue by issue:
Space Travel: In my mind one of the most important overlooked issues this election. I think that NASA needs to focus less on what limited things it can do with it's budget and using that budget to market space as a place that the free market needs to push humanity into. Space prospecting is what I'm talking about. Humans need to have sufficient motivation to get into space. We can move energy towards using things that are abundant both on our home world and in space (Hydrogen anyone?). We can prospect for metals that are useful enough to justify the expense of a space mining operation. It's a long shot but we can start working on colony development and helping the development of travel and real estate in space. Also I pledge to put Newt Gingrich on the moon in my second term. No one said anything about oxygen. But I do think that's where he belongs. Perhaps leading a moon colony of ultra conservatives. We seem to have a glut of those people who are not happy in america anymore.
Women's reproductive health: This is also a major issue. Women deserve the right to be healthy, and to make up their own mind. If they determine they need birth control it should be available. I have lost track of the number of stories I've heard about young women who have not had access to good protection and have had their futures marred by having a child too early. Another thing we must do is support our young mothers. This law that says a single parent is grounds for abuse charges is prejudice. Regardless of whether couples are a better environment it is wrong to take a child from a mother just because the father walked out, and vice versa.
Economy: Flat out, Washington must not be a wholly owned subsidy of this nation's big business interests. Yes business is the heart of our economy, and as long as they are keeping and producing good jobs here at home they should be rewarded. But those rewards should not become bribes and corrupt. If a business is corrupt and wants to be treated like a person the penalties should be more than financial, it should be the death of the institution. Yes I want a death penalty for businesses that rely on criminal activities and mistreatment of their employees the basis of being successful in business. But since we can't send these entities to the electric chair, they must be nationalized. Then the nation can temporarily run the business, then break it up and sell it off to the competitors. Being a monopoly should be illegal. I would be a monopoly buster for this country.
Prayer in school: Religion should not be taught in public school. End of story, because if the government becomes responsible for children's religious education that's too much responsibility. It should not be illegal, but you don't have the right to force your values in the face of other people's children. That's an attack. Furthermore it's what this country was founded trying to avoid. Be aware of the history of the church.

That covers the basics, email me with questions.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Why there is no point to the midwest

For those of you who don't live in the central US, you may have some idyllic vision of the midwest as the sort of place where family values still roam free, small town values are held up high and life is still as great as it was back in the good old days. Well if you're a fundamentalist republican christian woman, you're damn well set.
Now if you are anything else, this place is hell. Now I'm not saying it's the third world, please hear me out. Living in america is still miles above living conditions in many places. As far as making money? Easy as anything, I'm not going to lie. But if you have a desire to mate, and you immigrate here, you'd better bring the good women with you because this place is a fucking deathtrap for men. There are tons and tons of intelligent men, or men with more charm and good looks, or more money. No matter what you do you'll always be combing through the leftover fat women with 2+ kids and no damn brain. So yes, you can have sex, sometimes, and if you are willing to comb through more spam than could feed all of England for a year. You can have kids, lord knows these dumb country bitches are easy enough. Hey on that topic if you mention God you get a two for one special. But if you ever meet an intelligent girl, she doesn't want to be here. She has to have come on some hard times. It's like if you find an intelligent sweet girl at a strip club, hard times have hit her hard buddy and be prepared to deal with some major damage. I'm not saying I'm a catch, I know that there are men smarter and more handsome than me, with bigger dicks who care less about women. I'm working on all of those that I can. Oh I forgot money, which is all that really matters to these women.
I recently decided to serve out the rest of my time here and leave for the coast, where the women and money flow like the wine that they grow there. God, San Francisco is like HEAVEN compared to the purgatory that is Oklahoma. The only good thing about Oklahoma is what it isn't, namely: Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska and North and South Dakota. God help you if you live in one of those. Actually if you have a brain and live in one of those I'm sure you get out while you can. Personally I got tricked by my ex into buying a house here and now I have no choice but to live here until I can sell and make a profit. DAMN I hate it here.

now I've stayed up 3 hours later than I wanted to, just to try and get laid. Yes I am pretty damn desperate apparently.... lots of response, just gotta keep farming HARD to get what I want. What I want... HA, as if there is such a thing. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

falling out

So I am very aware that I'm not posting like I was, and I'm sorry for that. I'm trying to be busy with my life, which is really just because Nikki is back in it. We got in a fight tonight because she doesn't want to get attached to anyone... ever. So fuck that. Anyway she has a friend she's trying to hook me up with now, which is neither here nor there because it's still in the interview phase and nothing has come of it.
Got offered and took the offer for a promotion from Dad, will talk about that as needed but suffice to say it's enough money to take care of my needs and I wouldn't have to feel guilty. Now if I can just do the work.
Back at school, feeling isolated as always.... New class, does nothing for me, none of them do right now. Honestly, and I feel shame for this, I think I'm too advanced for these classes. Hence, they bore me. Oh well. Such is the life of a student.
I'm really pushing myself at the gym, moving over 100 pounds this week. Still need to hit the gym early to get in the pool time I desire. The gym is pretty much the best part of my life right now.
Nikki got a puppy, it's cute.
I'm not smoking as much, mostly for my lungs but also for my wallet. I'm hoping to get really messed up over spring break... thus are my hopes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

finally got myself to cry

Last night I finally got myself to cry. Which was nice. I was going through my old pictures... remembering what it was like when my life worked. And I cried. Because life doesn't really work right now. So... yeah. I don't want to feel like that right now so I'm going to the gym... Nikki is here. And she's not wanting me.... how.... disappointing. But she's on her period which is making it easier to get over her.

(Also this is post 100) Cheers.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

casual dating and morality

In the area of things that are just plain silly I would like to take a moment to discuss this thing called casual dating. To begin with I am relatively new to the concept, originally I would date one girl at a time and try and get her into a relationship. Didn't work out that well. Anyway, last night I was chatting with a somewhat attractive girl, I was interested at any rate. We were getting on ok, and so in the Q and A I brought up sex. And she explodes all over me about how immoral I am. That should have been the end of it, but I pushed on, installed a patch on that area, and moved onward. Somehow it came up that I had had some feelings for Nikki, and she accused me of leading her on. No, leading on would be me telling HER that I felt anything for her at that point. At the point of having spoken with me for less than a week a woman does not have ANY ability to dictate what happens in my life. Heck, a woman that has been in my life for some time only gets any say because I give it to them, and that doesn't always happen. No woman I am dating right now has any exclusive rights to me. That is the nature of casual dating. Furthermore, none of them has done anything that would give them any such rights. Having sex with me gives a woman some rights to exclusivity, so I'll probably do a status check before dating more women. If a woman fell in love with me and I felt the same, yeah, I would be exclusive with her with a good amount of certainty.

A commitment is not a commitment until both people enter into the agreement. I can't owe money for something I don't own. What's so complicated about this? Does this woman WANT to claim ownership? Well we've got all the forms over here HOLD ON, what is the basis of your claim?

This strikes me as a christian woman problem. The same as the no sex before marriage issue. It's.... just plain stupid. But then the church LIKES stupid, so there you are. Look, I get that you are insecure and need to project it on someone else, but I already served my time in that jail. I payed my bill for that at the office.

Now on this issue I want to make something clear. IF Nikki had feelings for me, IF Nikki and I were sleeping together, or living together, or attached by anything more sophisticated than crazy glue we would be together. Nikki's feelings for me are somewhat a mystery. And we have determined moving back and putting things on sloooow is the move that is best for her. See, because she earned the right to get some concessions from me. Now with these particular concessions she gave me back my ability to date around. Freedom, all that shit. That's what makes good agreements, both people get something. She gets all the time she needs to figure herself out, I get the option to keep looking, and it's possible I might find someone else.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

evil pageview number

So for those of you who are suspicious my blog just reached the devil's number for all time page views. IF you are superstitious it might be time to bring in some more people (gratuitous plug)

Monday, March 5, 2012

dreams of the sword
I should be getting this sword this week. Yes. While normally I wouldn't broadcast what I'm buying, this is currently the most interesting thing in my life.
In other news.... I had a witch cast a spell to remove my feeling for my ex wife.... and so far so good on that. Wow.... sounds even crazier typing it than thinking it. Anyway, I have no idea whether it's the spell, or the fact that we know meditation works, or just that getting emotions out works.... but I don't feel a desire to linger on this subject any longer... still a little close for comfort.
And while we are on the subject of emotions I can't do anything with.... I saw Nikki again last night. It was the first time since the break up we had hung out. And yes, there is still some feeling there. Fading, but there. She's so beautiful. We sang show tunes together... God I just wanted to kiss her. Things I can't have eh? She talked about how writing turns her on... you'd think I would, I mean I think I'm a decent writer. She said it got her nipples hard actually. mmmm, if I could have done something about it then I would have. Daydreams are sometimes as good as it gets. I wrote her a love note today..... *shrug* seemed like a good idea.

In other news I have a few other women sort of interested in me... nothing coming of it yet. Everyone still insists that I'm going to settle down... show me the money is my policy. I have more faith in my answered prayer.... which I believe I've been praying about the way instructed for two weeks. Which I guess sounds at least to me like I'm counting out how long it's going to take for a reaction. Yes and no. Yes I would love to see it happen sooner rather than later. But No, I'm not surprised that it hasn't. When it happens it happens. The faith attitude I'm trying to take now is that it's already done... I'm just waiting for the reality of it to catch up with me. That's really hard, because I'm feeling cynical about not being there. It's frustrating believing what I can't see. Which I guess is the crux of all faith problems.

So back around to the sword, I'm hoping it will get here before class on thursday night.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why I would rather listen to Bill Maher than Willie George

Ok, to start I suppose I should explain who Willie George is, for non locals. Willie George is a local pastor, one of the most well rooted christians in the area. For those of you who don't know I live and grew up in a city with hundreds of churches. Being a good christian in a town like this, being admirable is hard for christians. And that starts us on the road of why I don't.... trust.... christians.
Now, on the gut level the biggest issue is that aside from my dad, I have never met an older christian man that I want to grow up to be like. They look stupid on the whole. Ill informed, whipped, and completely in the pocket of the church. I want to grow up to be like Bill Maher. He's smart, he takes on the IDIOTS in this country, he's witty about it. People attack him, they call him a bully. Like Rush Limbough isn't. They're two sides of the same coin. Of course Rush is overweight, out of shape, and maybe a little delusional, but he's an admirable man. Which comes around to what is admirable. Admirable is standing for what you believe in, admirable is being intelligent, admirable is thinking for yourself. So when I hear someone who is all these things, I have to listen. That's all for the moment.