Saturday, October 5, 2013

A daily affirmation

I was well inspired tonight to write a daily affirmation to repeat as often as needed to remind me of who I am, and who God is. Essentially as I understand it I am falling back on the tradition that has been passed down through the centuries of repeated creeds or prayers. I think that it is actually an advanced stage when you can say you know certain things to be true and repeat them. Let us test these truths, because a truth that doesn't stand the light of day is not the full truth. I have read the available creeds Christianity has come up with, and the repeated prayers. They are good, but they don't dig deep and inspire you. I need inspiration, I need something I can say and feel bold and strong. I need something that wells up faith in me.

Maybe you need such a thing. Here is mine if you need it.

Daily Affirmation
By Max Malcolm, with the grace of God as primary source
Today I am blessed; All good things come from God
He has guided my steps; He has listened to my prayers
He has honored my service, He is my assurance, my source, my father and best friend
He loves me more than I can ever understand
He established me in strength and wisdom
He desires to liberate the oppressed, He desires to comfort the broken, He desires to take care of the poor
I am blessed to be his servant and tool, He blesses me so that I might bless others
He takes what seed I plant and returns an abundant harvest
He is my rock, my foundation, Without him I am nothing
Through him I am strong, Through him I have victory
He will always remember me
He will guide me and take care of me so long as I trust him
He is bigger than any other thing in this universe
He is the source of every good thing, through him all things were made
He has a plan, there are no useless people. Everything and everyone has their purpose.
He created the seasons, some for each purpose
He will give us our needs and desires if we first seek him, In all things he comes first
So long as he guides me I can never be lost. You aren't lost so long as you know where you are going
Today I lift my head to him, thank him for the wonderful things he has provided to me, to the wonderful opportunities he has given me, and those he will still give me yet. I take every breath into my mouth as a blessing, all nourishment, comfort and peace come from him. I will praise him in seasons of testing because by testing and trials he has made me strong. He wastes nothing! Indeed he makes good out of bad. What the dark forces try to spin for destruction he uses for creation. The greatest gift he gave us, his son, died on a cross for my sins, while I was still a sinner. Even though I am just a person, God loved me enough to make this sacrifice.  The Lord will provide. In the name of our lord Jesus, who is established in power and authority, Amen.

I humbly recommend printing it out and placing it in places your eye will catch it while you are in pain. Also in a place you can look at it when you wake up and when you lay down to sleep.

Words have power, because words are how we walk. We walk in faith by words, we can use words to build up or tear down. We must use this power wisely, and remember that the power of our faith is rooted in the one who grants favor and blessing. Faith and hope are useless unless you have something (someONE) to believe in. As for me and my household we will wait upon the Lord.

Rain is finally coming here (because he DOES make rain), so I too must sleep. God bless you readers, may he make his light to shine on you and lift you up on wings like eagles.

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