Friday, October 4, 2013

small update

oh, small update, I have talked with the office of my congressman and alerted them to my concerns. I do not know whether they were being sincere or not (and at the moment it's hard to measure responses given the amount of not informing us the government is doing), but my needs were heard. I was informed, politely, that the congressman had the duty to protect the interests of all of his constituents. I issued a challenge, which is what I will say to the whole debate:
If Obamacare is crazy socialism that is going to shut down the country, let it run for a few months. Let people see your predictions come true. If you accurately predicted that the end of work for the lower and middle classes is the results then I guess the public support for you will raise and you can win control of both houses and the presidency. That would give you free reign to continue to deregulate business and cut taxes for the rich, while cutting aid to the poor. This strategy has worked SO well for you, shouldn't you ride it to it's assured success?
I mean surely you are smart enough to realize that if you keep the government shut down you will see the result of it in midterm elections and lose what influence you have. If our credit rating drops because you couldn't handle a simple political matter, the public will turn on you like a pack of blind dogs. I want a strong opposition party, I believe that two opposing parties is the best way to keep the other party in check. I don't want your party to lose all influence in the government, so please don't act like such idiots that we can't keep you in office.

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