Thursday, May 30, 2013

a light aside

I'd like to take a moment to thank all my readers. We just reached 2000 all time views, which works out to a little under 700 a year. I hope to continue to bring you interesting content both relevant to my life and to help in whatever capacity I can. Maybe you just need to know someone else out there is as frustrated as you. I don't know. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.
In the midst of my lows I feel proud and humbled that 2000 times people have been interested in my life and have read my blog. On to greater things, I think that in the next 3 years we can make it to 10,000.

Now some light romance:
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others must fail

"It is not enough that I must win, others must fail"
There is a certain glee the oppressed and abused must feel to see those whom oppress and abuse them trodden under foot. I have reached that magic state of bitter dissappointment in humanity that I love my enemy, I particularly love her when she is living a life that is almost certain to end soon and with a very satisfying crunch. Oh hate is a wonderful thing and I won't hear a word against justified hatred.
My hatred of my ex wife is justified, at least in my world. I suppose it has to do with that if there where justice in the world she would be a street walking whore and I would have a medium sized house with a young wife and a son on the way. But the justice barge seems to have jumped the dock and be rewarding the wicked. She remarried, and she is expecting a child. How much joy it brings me that she loved me so little that she would not have my child, but of course the military husband is the perfect parenting choice. Good job sweetie. I just enjoyed her christmas pictures, enjoyed knowing she is overweight and unattractive and I can fuel my sweet revenge fantasies knowing she's a fat unattractive whore who is not glowing with motherhood because she has about as much mothering skill as a swine (who routinely eat their young). Fuck her and her sissy military husband. I hope he suffers a horrific accident, or maybe not an accident. I'm glad we're at war because it increases the chance he'll get killed then she can suffer his loss the way I had to suffer hers. Oh I hate living in Tulsa, and I hate this flawed body and I hate I HATE I HATE LINDSAY BROOKS!!!!
(There, doesn't that feel better?)
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I told her the conditions under which we could be friends, those being that I did better post divorce. It's not my fault that she decided to remarry as soon as it was legally possible.... well perhaps it is, obviously I'm a horrible man who must be prevented from breeding at any cost, right God? Fuck this planet. I'm going to bed.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

don't broadcast insecurity.

Pet Peeve of the day: women who when they start dating a man immediately put their biggest insecurity or barrier to a relationship on the table. Examples: Being overweight, having kids and them being the entire focus of their lives, them not having time for a relationship.
Right, I get it that you are insecure, and being single is hard (oh how I know that). But please, lead in with something that I can hold onto to be excited about. Tell me about how compassionate you are, how intelligent you are, about how loyal you are and how you'll help people when they are down. Give me an idea of why you're what I'm looking for, and you are what is missing in my life. If you aren't, then we're both wasting time. Obstacles are just tests, and problems are simply learning experiences, give me reasons to push through and learn to love you. That's all.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

truth in advertising

last thought for tonight, probably last big thought before my weekend is sucked up by work: Truth in advertising says that if you say you are selling something it has to be what you call it. You can't pull a bait and switch. This is why I can't sell a waffle iron and call it a toaster. So why can they label the political commentary 24 hour fear factory known as fox "news". News implies a certain amount of fact checking, or even truth and an attempt to inform. The language and presentation style on Fox do not show any kind of fact checking, or interest in informing. They want you to be terribly terribly mad. About what, you may ask? Anything you will swallow. They're going to take your guns.... They're going to..... I don't know what really because I can't get past the BS delivery method. OH, right, there's a giant government conspiracy to take all your money away. I'll take the logical route to explaining why this is a silly approach. Do you still have money? Have your guns been taken away? Have you lost your job because of Obama care? The chances are substantially high that none of this has happened to you. So what you just did is you essentially paid someone to get you stressed out over a non threat. You might as well start smoking, because stress is a proven killer. You don't have to live like that. Don't worry.... and if you insist on getting your upsetting news, at least read it. Reading allows your mind to sort things between upsetting and not upsetting. THINK blast you people, THINK.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

rant on the concept of sex appeal

Alright, you read the title, you should be prepared for a rant.

I was just watching beautiful women, and it happened upon me what has REALLY bothered me about insecure women. It's them coming up to me and telling me "I don't think I'm sexy enough."
Look, I don't go around broadcasting my insecurities for all those I date to hear. I don't go up to women and say "Man, my skin does not look as awesome as most men's, does it?" NO! Because that is MY problem. Not theirs.


Sarah doesn't love me anymore. I feel like someone stabbed me. I really thought I had meant something to her. Now I find out I didn't. Fuck me. This sucks. I really can't write aside from in chat, here is part of my rant caused by that:

wow, I didn't know I could still hurt like this, I didn't know I still had a stupid heart..... maybe I shouldn't be investing in God, I should be investing in not loving, considering the damage
in my world it appears I'm the only one that cares about me, so I'm the only one that will ever take care of me. It would sure be nice if women did what they were created for, but I guess like many other things manufactured, there are major defects in God's creation. Man, you think a guy's perfect then when he makes something defective you have to wonder about everything

Sage: And what do you think women were created for?

well, I thought to love. God created humans for him to love, and he also created the seperate genders to love each other. God looked at Adam and saw that he was lonely, and so he made a woman to keep man company, to love him and help him through life
well..... considering God says that he will keep every promise, you'd think that would fall under promises. I mean if I made an invention and it was supposed to make waffles, and it didn't make waffles, I would be defaulting on my promise to deliver you something that made waffles
and since we live by his example, I guess I can make a defective waffle maker all I want and that's ok
"What do you mean you don't like that it doesn't make waffles, look at it, it's BEAUTIFUL, some of them make waffles, just not the ones you've been around. I swear, there are some of them out there that aren't fricken failures about making waffles."
waffles is love in this discussion

Sage: I thought that was a very nice summary. Haha waffles, really?

yeah, I felt whimsical, I find that ever since I discovered no one loved me I've had tons of creative energy that used to go towards caring for people that now just spews out
my ex roommate says I think way too economically

Friday, May 17, 2013

The whole problem with feminism from a male perspective.

Look, I used to be very pro women. My mother is a professional, so the advancement of women has helped me. I want to start from there because I risk sounding like a bigot for saying some of the things I do.

First thing, after years of taking abuse and neglect from young women (18-34), my respect for them is just about the same as my respect for used car salesmen. I understand they are human beings, but I'm fed up with them asking for special stuff. Look here, many men would like to get the deal that many women market as the standard; namely hooking a rich spouse and not working the rest of your life. That's a great damn deal. If you want to level the playing field open up the special deals that are open to women. Men cannot become strippers or prostitutes if they get poor enough, at the very least not with the gender of their choice. Gay male society is not an acceptable escape from the cruelty of women. Men use other men for sex. The chances of finding an emotional connection with a man are pretty limited. OH, and get this bias, if a gay male couple wants to have kids they have to pay a woman to carry it to term (40k plus). Lesbian couples have to get a sperm donor, which is MUCH cheaper and involves less having to trust anyone. As long as you have the guy screened it's a one and done, not 9 months of stress while you worry about whether someone else will run off with YOUR baby. Same problem (only worse) if you are a single man who has yet to find anyone to settle down with. YOU try raising 40k for a kid, not to even get into the expenses of childcare when there is no woman in the picture. Oh, and you'll love this, psychologists have determined that children, especially younger children, NEED a mother, biologically as well. So from an ethical standpoint it's just plain awful trying to have a kid without a woman. Lesbian couples are more socially acceptable than their male counterparts.
So, you want to go on and on about what women don't have? Grass is ALWAYS greener. Yeah, sure, working a job for better pay looks great from the outside, but when you know that there are only two ways out, turn 65 or die, it's something different isn't it? When your attractiveness is not JUST your physical features, it's how much is in your wallet and your earning power, when you are objectified for your money, tell me again how you have it so hard. I'd love for my body to be all women look at, because with as much work as I put into that I'd be married to someone rich and I'd be off doing something fun. I understand you want to go on about how much it sucks having the children, but at least you CAN have them. I can't get a fucking woman to stick around for long enough to have one pop out. How is that for gender inequity? Women want to go on about men being selfish, but they don't come out so pretty when you point the mirror the other way. I think power and money are a fair compensation for being treated as men are.

 Men are in fact pushed into dominant roles, no feminist EVER wants to talk about this. The higher paying jobs are in dominant fields, like my current job. When you are in a relationship you find out that the woman gets off more if you take charge (this is my relationships, it's probably different in urban environments). But that's an incentive. If you love someone, you want them happy, and you find out taking charge makes them happy, well, you do it. If taking charge makes you money, you do it. There's no money in being considerate, as a man. Any time a man is nice, considerate, or generous, it's most likely that he's feeling guilty about all the horrible things he has done or will do because being in charge means it's all your fault. Every relationship I'm in, when it ends, is my fault. Because in the woman's mind I made all the decisions. She apparently wasn't even there. So fuck off if you think being a man is fucking easy. Maybe being some men, who aren't surrounded by women who suck the life out of them, but not in single life in Oklahoma.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

They say Jesus will find you where-ever you go

I'm going to start something, hopefully this helps some people. I want to spend more time in prayer, so we are going to try forming a collective of people who pray for eachother. Here is the deal, I will personally pray over every comment I get. But, you have to give me one thing. You must pray for something on here. Pray as you feel led, either for one of the other requests someone has posted, or pray for me. This is my deal. Because the word says where two or more are gathered he will be there. Now not all of you may believe, here is how that works.

Part 1:
Asking for prayer. Asking for prayer as a non believer may be a new thing for you, but for many years while I was totally ticked at my life I asked for prayer and received it. You don't have to believe to see that having people wishing you well is a good thing. That's karma. Do not try and be all holy about it, ask for holy things or whatever BS you think he wants to hear. BS prayers fall on BS ears. Be sincere. You need/want a new car, better life, house, person to love, pot roast, money to go out and forget about the troubles in your life? Ask!! He said "Ask and it shall be answered, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened." So what harm is there in asking for what you want? Do you know the sure fire way to make sure you miss out on the best things in life? Don't ask for them. So that is the basics, ask me if you need any tips.

Part 2:
Praying for someone. This is so simple. Look into your heart and try and feel the situation. What is the real need here? Is it financial? Is it relationship related? If you are familiar with God you can pull from his promises. If not, simply talk to him like you would talk to a car repairman. Tell him the problem you are praying about for someone. Doing this will help your personal needs be met. And it will make you feel better.

A simple list of needs we all have that you can pray about knowing God has promised to provide:

a purpose in life


If you want something to pray over me about, pray those things. If you need a place to start asking, ask out of those things.

Now for the gist of my thought I had that brought me here. (God just kind of put that last part on my heart).
a song for today:
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They say Jesus will find you wherever you go
But when He'll come looking for you, they don't know
In the mean time, keep your profile low

That speaks to me. What I struggle with right now is that no one knows when God is going to move. I can't say if, because God will move sure as out of darkness comes the dawn. The waiting is bothering me. So in the mean time I'm keeping my profile low.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Punk rock girl

I've been listening to a few old songs, thinking about love.
A quick update before I go into the songs and what they mean to me:
Over the last few days the good Lord and I have been conversing on my problems in life and he revealed to me that I shouldn't date local women. Therefor I am to wait for the move.... I don't want to go too far into any of this. I did contact Sarah, my Sarah, the Sarah that was a treasure to my heart and whom I really loved. Who really loved me and made me a better man. She has yet to respond, though I know she received it. *le sigh*
Our first song has to do with a kind of woman I have wanted a long time, a punk rock girl:

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Some lyrics that jump out at me:
"Please look at me, what do you see?"
So often we want to see ourselves through the eyes of one who not only loves us but is attracted to us.
"You took me to your parents for a Sunday meal. Your father took one look at me and he began to squeal."
It goes without saying that parental approval is an issue on both sides of the fence.

"We got into a car away we started rollin, I said how much you pay for this? She said nothing man it's stolen."
Personally I desire a woman with such a flip attitude towards life. I know one, but she's not attracted to men, more's the pity.

The next song I have been listening to since I discovered music:
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Side note: Windows 8 + Laptop=not a happy.

ALRIGHT! If the operating system and equipment will let me express myself we will continue. (linux never acted like a putz like this...)

So many metaphors to discuss so we will start at the beginning. It took the entire song playing through just to get that out. 

"There's a girl with a crown and a scepter, who's on WLSD and she says that the scene isn't what it's been and she's thinking of going home. That it's old and it's totally over now."
To me this brings a powerful vision, of a girl waiting for me out there somewhere. The crown and scepter represent her being materially secure. And in the opening message of the song the girl states it as my life so clearly is. The situation isn't as good as it was, and it's time for it to be over.

"I can see myself, at the end of the tour, when the road disappears, if there's any more people around when the tour runs aground and if you're still around then we'll meet at the end of the tour"
It connects to a vision. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where there's no more work to be done, when the hard part is over. I hope beyond hopes that someone waits there for me.
"The engagements are booked through the end of the world so we'll meet at the end of the tour"

And this brings it back to the present. The work doesn't seem to come to an end. It stretches out before us seemingly until mankind ends. But we must keep on in our sisyphussian struggle to reach the end, because there's something really worth it there.

Which brings me around to a side point. Tonight I went to church, as I have been doing quite a bit lately. The preacher got a few things wrong when it comes to my point of view. One is a worldview that requires that science be entirely wrong for God to be great. I don't live there. I believe in evolution and he liked attacking that. It's ok, if that makes him feel more secure in being right then he is welcome to do that. It just puts a wall between me and him, not between me and God. I thought it was amusing when he directed me to a verse about us being "Created by God" The translation text said it could also mean set apart. So for the rest of the night every time he said created, I heard set apart, it actually helped temper the lesson to something I can use. The second thing he wanted to go after was the ecclesiastical verses about the futility of life. I know for a fact that comes from people with major issues with pain, that can't handle everything being meaningless. To quote Vonnegut "Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded on lies won't understand this book either." (Politely lifted both from Cat's Cradle and this article: The ends justify the means friends. If your truth is truth, it shouldn't matter that the universe is full of BS. But some people want to believe there is less BS in the universe. This to me is like denying global warming, evolution, or dark matter (the amusing part is they do)

This next song illustrates the point that in meaninglessness there is comfort:
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"This is the worst part: To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl"
Living in the sublime fantasy that you love someone, and that the are indeed yours in any sense is the worst part. It doesn't seem that way, but if you don't let people in then you don't have that problem.

"No one in the world ever gets what they want and that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad and that is beautiful"
If you cannot understand this, you cannot understand my life. The world is full of futility, and being that it is the one thing all mankind shares it is beautiful. We must love it, otherwise why would we keep drawing breath? Getting what you want is a fantasy. The great part is no one gets it. I remember growing up a frequent complaint I had and heard was "That's not fair"
Of course that is an immature childish complaint. However, you cannot deny that there is nothing more fair than the futility of life. Even a rich man has to die someday. No one has the perfect wife, kids, parents, or life. Life has to hurt, that's part of it's point.

Last song:
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I heard this driving around today and I loved the wit. My favorite line is this:

"Still don't ask who I choose; either way I would lose
Between beer and women I think
Without beer I go nuts and the ironic part:
Without women there's no reason to drink"

So here it is, a toast to the women who keep the pain sharp enough that I have to block it out. Goodnight kids, we'll talk more soon.

Friday, May 3, 2013

I have no excuse

believe it or not, there is a logical progression between these things:

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and there is only one place that can lead

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Which takes us to the final most important part

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In other news I have been challenged to speak positively into my life, so I'll be saying quite a lot about favor, provision, and blessings this week! I believe that this will bring God's work into my life, and that I will soon be winging my way to Colorado!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The veggies learn about real life

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So, I've been watching quite a bit of God themed stuff, given my recent struggles. This video came to mind, and I realize now that Veggie Tales can be pretty subversive. Join the innocent veggies as they learn what working for the man really means...... You're never gonna get ahead, giving head to the man (that's Bobby Conn)

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