Saturday, October 12, 2013

Here's one idea.....

sooo...... how is this for a thought, since certain groups in this country are really hot for the idea of motivating people by threats. You know, like "defund healthcare or we shut down the government".... I have an idea for our lawmakers. I think you'll like this, if you like threats. We elected you to govern, how about you start governing or we.... I don't know, how about: Take all your money and drop you off in the third world in total poverty....... Oh, you don't like that? You have a right to take the country hostage and I'm totally crazy? Remind me how you recently decided poor people don't deserve to eat or have air conditioning. I mean let them eat cake indeed.

You chose to react to the weak and helpless with outrage that they dare not have as much money as you. You said that laziness and not working hard is what leads to poverty, so shouldn't you be in poverty? The current congress has passed no significant legislation in over two years. If I went to work and did no work except for trying to undo all the work that was done before I got there, I would get fired. I wouldn't even last a week.

Now I wouldn't make these sorts of statements if we were not who they report to. Do you know who form the majority of people in this country? The middle and lower class. Do you know who you are hurting most by shutting the government down? The middle and lower class. You pulled the economy into a standstill in the middle of the biggest economic rally in recent history. Good job, you managed to tick off your base: investors and rich people. Good luck getting your customary bribes from lobbyists next election run.

The only people I can see funding you are those people building bunkers for preppers and the manufacturers of adult diapers. Maybe Fox "News"........ you seem to be catering to THAT market.... but I've even seen some of their hosts pointing out that you aren't doing your jobs.. I mean that's bad when the people you have in your pocket see through your BS. Go ahead, keep pretending that you didn't start this.

Remind everyone that it's someone else's fault that they wouldn't give into your "Do what I say or I take down the country" strategy. Right, this country loves terrorists.... I mean I must have forgotten the major motivation of the war on terror: To find Bin Laden and take him out for a big american bar-b-q. That worked out SO well for him.

Or are you trying to show this country's enemies that they don't need to work so hard because you've got this making america scared thing covered. Does that mean we can defund the department of homeland security? Oh, and since you have now been identified as an organization with terrorist intentions can we now change the light of the IRS being extra hard on certain people? I mean the IRS has a duty to prevent the funding of terrorism, as I am told every time I talk to my credit card company.

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