Monday, October 21, 2013

My feelings about the Titan Refuge new site launch

I know I was brief earlier, and that was because I wanted to give you time to check out the bare bones site over there. Now I want to talk about my personal feelings about the launch.

It's a very strange feeling, I will start by saying that. I have in the past talked about this project in passing on this blog, and maybe told three or four friends. This was before the days of this blog being as widely read as it is now. So there is a sort of coming out with a secret feeling. It's as if I had something that was mine and mine alone, and now it's available to the world. That is a very vulnerable feeling.

The faith aspect of the whole thing is the biggest feeling involved. What made today launch day? I finally found a potential way to fund the project. Discovering that I realize now that the only thing standing between the project and success is building a community around it.

I don't want to discuss the details of the project here, that's what the other page is for. However on a personal level it is a God thing to make me use a community approach to this. To be honest I've been kind of a loner, especially lately. The thing is that when I realized I was being pushed in the direction of needing help, needing more people to get things done I started to understand that I needed to share my vision. I've shared the tip of the iceburg. This project is the culmination of all my dreams, and I have been thinking about how this is going to happen for a long time.

I'm restraining myself right now. I want so badly to go tell all on the site. To restrain those urges I have to remember that the size of this vision is a bit much for people. I think this is something that community needs to be built around. This vision I have is going to effect so many people, both directly and indirectly. It follows that more people will have to be brought into the fold. I hope that my regulars over here will get as excited as I am about it. If you aren't and don't want me to talk much about it here, let me know.

This thing is happening though. I've already had an impressive first day response, and I look forward to seeing what the coming days bring. I think God has big things planned, and I'm excited to be a part of it. Change is hard, but when you get to see your dreams come together it's worth the growing pains.

here is the overall site link, I don't know what is going on with the links and whether they show up as clickable.

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