Monday, January 23, 2012

I get it, at last

So if you know me you know that I have often grappled with a major evolution question. Why does natural selection want to increase the biomass of the unintelligent and decrease the boimass of the intelligent (without removing it.) Common sense says that learned people would practice more protection, and plan families. Unlearned people would be more promiscuous and have more offspring. So you see the multiplier.... something like  2/3 higher. Anyway the math leans towards a 1/3 decrease by the generation. It's really the difference between the learned approach and the by nature (by lust) approach. If you have the passion and temperament to procreate often, like a wild baboon, then you're in the natural.
If you prefer to procreate by careful selection of an ideal mate... well that's a human problem. You have to think to do that, and hence it takes longer. You all spend most of your biomass towards working your brain, which means you might not be as strong as another man in other areas.
Anyway biomass favors the worker over the overseer. Regardless of skill there will always be plenty of workers. Our culture... well my personal culture says that being a worker has no significance. I have always felt I was meant for a life of significance. Anyway a person meant for such a life is not doing themselves any favors following other's visions. So our species breeds down our population of visionaries. Originally in my pet plan for the human race I had suggested that in an ideal society would pair down the unselecting biomass (what I'm thinking of calling freeform biomass) and integrating more of the selecting biomass. Or selecting by purpose what kind of biomass the society needs. We already have rule of the smart biomass (for the most part), and the more biomass there is in the role of strength. The adaptive nature of the biomass is how the species adjusts it's resources to meet it's needs. So yes our planet needs free unselecting wild biomass. We just need to find better ways of determining what it is. I know this is racist, but it's not about race. It's not about that some are born BETTER suited for certain work. We do a crappy job of seeing that. So instead people have to wander around waiting for
More later, maybe, if you're good.

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