Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A day without a story

I realize today as much as any I need to keep to my blogging, the problem is that I have nothing particularly exciting to say. I heard a story of a storyteller who ran out of stories. And so he told the story of all the trouble he got in from running out of stories. Perhaps through introspection I can generate enough to entertain and log my life.
In case you don't know most of my work is the product of the vinegar in my blood. Not literally of course but my passion and hatred gives voice to my mind. And so what happens when nothing is happening one way or another? There is not one wonderful thing for me to speak of. And for the first time in some time, that's perfectly satisfactory.
I suppose my romantic life is the crux of what is going on with me. I had met a lovely young lady, well not so young, older than me. And then she backed off, and so I backed off as well. And I haven't heard from her since. Today I checked what movies were playing on the hopes of finding a movie I could take that lady to. Yet I could not bring myself to get excitement for any of the movies playing. Not even at the dollar movies. I had met another young lady, one that actually was young this time, but I neglected to talk with her again. I'm rather short of passion as of late. My libido is low, and I have found no one who inspires my heart or passions. All there is is work.
I have been exchanging emails with a rather interesting lady. I suppose with some hope I might be able to care for her. Of course I could care for anyone. But no one cares for me. And I don't feel a particular need to correct that.

I have also not seen any wonderful or interesting women at school. At the metro campus in fact there are many whom are hardly worthy of even a second glance. One of my friends quoted a verse today that said every woman deserves to be loved by a man. To be the only one in his heart. But, as I argued, there are many women who are unworthy. Love is the greatest gift you can give someone. Undying devotion is worth more than all the treasure in the world, if only it is from the right person. The only thing I dare say is worth more, is time. Every day you get to live past your promised time is a gift more precious than any. So, if you have time and the right one devoted to you, and there is a roof over your head and you are not hungry, then are you not the richest person you know?
I of course have often considered myself quite rich. I have money to spare, and time that is more precious than anything anyone could offer me in exchange.

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