Saturday, November 19, 2011

now on a more graphic note

Disclaimer: I'm going to be talking about some rather graphic topics here, so if you have some sort of pure vision of me and want it intact, don't read, if you are too young to buy tobacco, don't read, if you are an 18th century southern belle, don't read. Generally if your sensibilities are offended by anything rated R or above or by sexual content, while this will not be overtly graphic it will have sexual themes so please just skip it and do us all a favor.

Now, it may be a rather shocking topic to break out on but I'd like to talk about pornography. Pornography is a huge push button with the christian crowd, and I do TRY to be sensitive to their pansy ways, but I honestly have no respect for them anymore. I respect a select few individuals who are anti porn for the stance, because they have made a decent arguement for their puritanical ways.
Interesting side note: I have never been on the enforcing side of anti porn, always on the defence. By defence I mean giving in. "Oh I'm soooo sorry for my oh so sinful ways, please forgive me I was SO wrong" minus the sarcasm I obviously feel about it right now. To be honest I have felt guilt about porn. Twice. Once when I was with my wife and I slipped up a number of times, I was guilty of doing something that would hurt her which was defacto a sin in my mind, and I was genuinely sorry. The other time was with a girlfriend who didn't like me doing it. I don't want to get into that one actually.
Let me elaborate a little further on my position on sex in general. Sex is a need. Not a desire, not a sin, it's something your body will crave NATURALLY. Therefor sex addiction and overeating are basicly the same thing. We all have things we need to cut down on. Yet calling it an addiction causes all sorts of other stigma. But I will go on. If you can manage to find a woman to love you who doesn't cheat on you or leave you for another man, then god bless. No, really.
If you can manage that then obviously God is on your side, and you should write a book or at least a pamphlet, go into inspirational speaking and do a conference and I will attend, because obviously you have discovered the shangri la of all mankind and need to draw the rest of us a map. I'm not joking. This has become the lost city of gold in western culture. Everyone claims it exists yet there is no path to it at all. Ask someone how to find it and they assure you it's "out there somewhere, stop looking and it will find you". Sounds like a mystical city to me.

However, for the rest of us that have to live in the real world lets look at the facts: When you are alone you have no choice but to look after your own needs. those needs include sex. How crude, I know. Furthermore if you can manage to look after your needs without giving into temptation and having sex with easy women you should be given a hearty handshake and pat on the back (wash your hands first).

Ok, so after that side rant I get to my point. That point is pornography.
In my opinion there are four grades of porn, note I mean video porn not pictures and NOT stories, that's a whole other game.
There's dirty porn, full of lust, degradation and sex for the sake of dirty nasty your family can never know you think about it sex. It has it's place, but to be honest this accounts for over three quarters of the porn out there.
There's entertaining porn, this means most likely porn with a plot, where the actors start out with their clothes on and there is an at least attempt at seduction. In my humble opinion this is the best of the best, but even many pictures that try to be this miss the bar entirely.
There's art porn. Carefully planned shots, lighting, and there's a statement being made here about beauty. This can be really amazing, but it's rarely made, and therefor even more rarely worth watching.
Finally we get the catagory that all these dump into thousands and thousands of videos a week, I'm not joking at all, bad porn. Bad porn can be funny, it can be arousing in places, but as an overall experience you feel sorry you spent the time watching it, and you can only hope the people who made it are ashamed of themselves. It's not all as terrible as that, but it's all bad.
I remember a year or two ago one of the entertainment porn producers had this horrible HORRIBLE actor who turned everything he starred in into bad porn from my perspective. It might just be a perspective thing, but this guy was just the most unarousing thing aside from seeing someone I respect in my life have sex. And I haven't seen that so this guy set the record for unarousal. Damn that's not right my ex WIFE with her fat ASS set that record. I remember once or twice trying to get hard for that thing. You know how hard it is to look at the woman you love and realize she's not your ideal woman physically, and then try to talk your penis into getting into the game. I did that more often than I care to admit. It's one of the reasons I was ok with her leaving, just so I could stop having to talk the poor guy into getting into the game. Oh and lets not even go into how non womanly she was. She had facial hair. I've seen this twice in women, and ooooh are they sooo embarassed. I never mention it to their face but it is kind of a bad sign that they have that much testosterone, maybe they should cut down on the saturated fats, just saying. Oh and horrible skin just HORRIBLE. Honestly I wonder what my stupid ass was thinking, thinking that this woman who was missing an important bone in her knee, was unlikely for genetic reasons to live past 40, could produce a good genetic offspring. I must have loved that woman because damn, that's the dumbest decision I could have made in my life. Thank God we don't have kids because those kids would be in and out of the doctor so often..... of course assuming her issues are all dominant genetics, they might be recessive then there would be between a 25 and 50 percent chance of those issues showing up.....My ex wife was without a doubt the catoosa of genetics..... and that's where I found her, ahaahahaa. Oh and non nurturing, lets not forget that lovely fact. This woman supposedly wanted kids, God help the poor things if she ever has them. I've been remembering this, me being sick this week, she never did a single thing because she cared about my happiness or to take care of me. It was always about her. I'm probably doing better single and sick than with that useless cow. She never wanted to listen to my problems, I was just supposed to be some emotionless fix it machine. IN fact that's what all these oklahoma women I've met want. emotionless fix it machines that can be dragged around by their penis to various emasculating events. I saw that world so much while I was a married christian man. My God no wonder the world hate's christianity, look at the christian male life. "what christian male life?" that's exactly right because christian men are expected to be cattle. Work all day, make lots of money, have kids, buy a house in the suburbs, do whatever your DAMN woman wants and even if you do you get surprised when she leaves you because "she just can't respect you anymore". Damn it no one respects that poor SOB. Not his wife, not his kids and not his damn community. He's a lapdog to his woman and his woman sooner or later is going to realize how unerotic a male lapdog can be.
Which leads back to the porn thing. Most men like porn. Many are ashamed of it because women tell them to be. I can't prove that but come on. What man wakes up one day and says "You know I think I should be ashamed of my dirty self"..... Men have a hard time understanding shame. This is the gender that brought you fart jokes and beavis and butthead. If men could understand shame they wouldn't create these things. Watch the Man Show, with Adam Carola, and that will give you SOME idea of what men are like.
Look, these are some men, real men:
Charlie Sheen
Adam Carola
Lewis Black
Bill Clinton
John F Kennedy
Heck Ted Kennedy, you know he's a man's man at heart
(I know there are some republican men, Rush Limbaugh for one, but I'm not in the mood to deal with all of them.)
Teddy Roosevelt is the base model for manhood.
Edmund Hillary

Do you know what makes a man? You see what you want, and you GO for it. Damn the consequences. Most of the men on my list are sexually promiscuous, or where at some point. That's because men like sex. Oh gosh I hope I didn't shatter your worldview with that one.
What men don't like is servicing the same woman night after night, being faithful for year after year only to get CHEATED ON. and only to watch that woman  get less attractive in every damn way while they get more attractive. Because society has decided that money is what makes men attractive. Guess what, any guy with a good investment strategy will get more and more attractive year after year. What do women have to offer? Seriously I'm asking. Supposedly nurturing and kindness but as I said, that's the hidden city of Gold.... mistyped God there, maybe it is the hidden city of God, because God only knows where these mystical women hide before getting snapped up into permanent monogamous relationships.
Your average woman, mind you this is in oklahoma, is FAT, has SELF CONFIDENCE PROBLEMS, no future plans, is either stupid as god made her or has made herself that way by surrounding herself with the brainwashing society we live in, or by drugs. And hence why men turn to porn. If good women exist then they should advertise. You aren't the fucking field of dreams, if you build it yeah they will come, but God only knows who, because it's not me. No one let me know about the mystical baseball field in the middle of nowhere. Someone DRAW ME A MAP.
So some bad porn, or passable porn has women who are obviously acting. This I have decided is a good thing, because after all my experiences one thing I know, the lackluster performance you recieve in bed will be about the equal of a bad porn actress. And women are surprised at the results....

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