Monday, February 3, 2014

What am I going to be when I grow up?

I'm going to make an effort to not make this a one off on this idea I had. Many of my posts consist of what is essentially a thought ray I am trying to capture. Writing crystallizes good thoughts. It also purges bad thoughts. So try it, it does stuff for you. On a side note: if you are like me and hooked to having others interested in your life it gives your heart great joy when you can actually SEE when other people seek out your work.

Now to the question:
What does Max intend to be when he grows up?

Now this is not to purely discuss what I want to be. I want to spend 10 years as a bestselling author, 4 years as president of the United States, 10 years as a guru living on a mountain, 10 years strictly being a family man, and 10 years as the pope. That is what I would like to do with the next 44 years of my life. Currently I think I can do two of those.

You see I listed them off by age that it would be nice for these things to work out at. Being well off would serve me well at this stage. So would having produced some work worth knowing about that was published. I do want to change the world, but how does one do that? Slowly seems to be the answer. 

My heroes are: Bill Clinton, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, Pope Francis, Tolkien, CS Lewis, John Lenin, the OTHER Lenin, my Dad and Christ.

I know that one man can't hit all the highlights, but I'm going to hit the ones I can.

I think I could be an author. I'm working on a book, get it finished and guess what? I'm a novelist. Maybe I can get it published. Even if not, it's a mark on the road.

According to the rules right now, Pope is out of reach. One I'm not going to take a vow to give up sex. Two I am for birth control (and abortion if you must know). Three I'm not a confirmed catholic (not planning on it either). It's really more about my desire to be spiritual and relevant. Any high office in the church is by definition relevant.

There are two known paths to becoming a guru (and getting paid for it), one is to get ordained in a church and operate under it's structure.People do that, my girlfriend's mom is doing it. God bless her. The other is to work within the system while slowly compiling your data and skill until you are ready to strike out on your own.

Now this isn't to say I am out to start a cult. I'm not into brainwashing, love free will, and not into polygamy. I also don't have an ego complex to think that I am God. I don't think my morality would allow any of such. But I do intend to be a guide. Whether I can work within the system, we'll just have to see. 

For now I'm working on my goal to be able to work 4 days a week (or less) and make enough money to live. It's not an amount of money, it's a lifestyle goal. 

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