Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You will get through

I'm going to tell you everything your heart is longing to hear, and I am going to back up every last word of it.

It's going to get better, and things will change. Think life is bad now? Imagine being one of the allies in world war two, I bet lots of people thought FDR was in over his head. I mean, a two ocean war? That's insane. Fighting on two fronts is in fact what broke the German war machine. My point, however, is that it changed. He had the courage to say "suck it Hitler, you aren't going to win." This is when the most powerful empire in the world had essentially let Hitler acquire all the power he could need to take over the world.

God sent FDR a Patton. He sent FDR a man who would never quit. Those two men change the world. So what are you worried about?

Is it love you long for with all you have? God has some to spare and you may find that you are perfectly wonderful on your own, if you didn't already know. Don't seek it as a purpose, trust me I've done it. It didn't work. I have someone very sweet and nice now because I understand her place in my life.

Is it money or power you want? Look, you don't want money or power because of those things themselves, you love what they promise you. You probably desire security, safety, and freedom. I can say that most of the paths to getting money or power generally rob you of your security, your safety, your freedom and even your good mental health. Money is a horrible boss. It only wants to make more of itself. It's like a big swarm of cockroaches, eating at our feelings and giving not enough in return.

Now even cockroaches have their place. For example, if you are raising a prey eating animal they are great protein. Insects and other small critters form a basis of a good diet for bigger things. 

If you still don't understand how much more valuable you are to God and to everyone else as compared to money do this for me:
Go get some money out of your wallet. Even a dollar will work because we can all agree that money is money no matter what denomination, correct?
Now set it on the table.  I want you to make a plan to never touch that dollar on the table there. Let it lay there, we're doing an experiment.

Leave the money there for as long as it takes for it to bring one good or redeeming thing into your life. You will wait a lifetime because money on it's own is really just paper. You are worshiping stuff that comes out of trees! How nutty is that?

No matter how bad things are- and believe me I know they are bad- they can and they will get better. Simply as a matter of course you know that after winter comes spring, right? So don't you know that seasons of contentment and good are out there to be lived after the seasons of pain. You wouldn't be in pain if you didn't have some sense that life should be or could be better. Remember that! You believe in you because if you didn't you would not feel pain when things are less than your hopes. Don't get down in the muck and don't quit. There are two types of people when it comes to winning, there are the courageous and the fearful. The fearful man says "ooo scary I think I might well faint dead away if it doesn't get better. Geez I wish someone else would protect me and keep me safe from harm.
Now if you are afraid there's nothing wrong with that. However there is something wrong if you can't accept help. The help you receive will equip you to fight your battles. No one will forever fight your battles for you. Sooner or later you have to take up your own cross despite (or perhaps because of) God's love for you.
A courageous man feels fear. He sees his fear as what it really is, a bag of hot air and lies most of the time. He pushes on. Even when life knocks him down he gets up and fights again.
You have courage, and you have wisdom and you have the strength. I know you do, because frankly you are beautiful and wonderful. God made you that way, and he makes no useless people.  He is fervently rooting for you, even if you never want a relationship with him, he will love on you and bless you. I just think that getting to know him makes understanding easier. So if you want to know why you are blessed and what you can do to get out of a tight spot, lay your trust on the Lord.

No such thing as an idle prayer
no such thing as a worthless life
no such thing as so dark it can shut out the light
he will come and redeem you
he loves you more than you know
there are dreams you will aspire to
times you will desire to lay down your head and quit
but that's not the end of it
you're alive
you're okay
you made it to the end of the day
you  did fine
you tried your best
now let go, let God take the rest
he brings peace
he brings hope
when you're lost in the wilderness he brings you hope
you are not unworthy
you are not a failure
you are not worthless
his love for you is endless
he says you are lovable,
he says you are usable
he says you are irreplaceable, 
how can such a love be?
we can never understand the glory he hold in his hand
we fall so short of his amazing love
Which is when he reminds us he already paid the price
for freedom with his sacrifice
he already broke the chains
and no one can force them on

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