Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prosperity issues

First let me preface this by the fact that I am not a biblical scholar. I have no interest in translating the bible from greek to hebrew to english to arabic and back again to greek just so I REALLY understand it. Frankly that's not my call. I am just a simple man dealing with simple issues in my life. Reading what I have written here that should be obvious.

So encountering this article:
My initial response is "oh great another pastor harping on about how God doesn't do that", which, as I've already touched on is a lie. God will do what he will do. He pointed out the error of seeking God for material gain and THAT I agree with. God is not a vending machine. However if you seek God and don't feel you can submit your hopes and dreams to him, it's not a good relationship. If your hopes and dreams require some financial resources to achieve, it would seem to me that if God wants them achieved he will provide.

If he won't then we are serving a very confusing God. Because if you believe in the "works only emotional miracles" God I see many modern Christians hold up, frankly you're not doing any better than any other religion. Any religious form of meditation can bring you inner peace, and for that matter so can some very potent drugs. So if you think God is the only source of a warm fuzzy happiness on the inside you are so very wrong and I am sad for you. God is not your ideal replacement for a drink at the end of a hard day, or for drugs, or meditation. If you need a crutch to deal with the pressures of this world, he will help you DEAL with that, but again, that's falling way short of who he is.

I'm really sick and tired of Christians who want to serve a watered down God. They don't want to reach out in faith and believe God can solve their problem. The bible says clearly if we lay our problems at his feet he will deal with them, maybe not in the way we want, but deal with them he will regardless. I have living proof of these things. So if you are stuck in life because of any material thing, be it illness, economic situation or other real world problem I challenge you to show me the verse saying God cannot show up. Because he can, he has, and he WILL.

If that is somehow wrong Christianity I shouldn't be a christian. I would not follow a God who while all powerful did not care for our troubles, and seek to comfort our broken situations. That would not be a God worth loving. Yes, sometimes he draws those of us who are in pain TO him by the promise of relief. God is not one to promise and not deliver. As the good book says he is not one to change his mind. His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. No matter how much I learn I have to remind myself that he knows better.

Post Script: God does not care why you come into his presence, the rewards are just as rich. My dad told me once he started going to church because there were lots of cute girls there. He enrolled in a Christian college and met my mother. God has never forgotten him and he has had a much stronger faith than many who have had to deal with the same things. We're all broken. God meets us just where we are and guides us to a closer walk with him. That walk looks different depending on what you need.

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