Saturday, November 23, 2013

nothing compares

So very close, so very very close to liberation.
Because you see that is the very essence of my current position. Precariously perched on the brink of seeing what I have longed for so many dark nights. Bursting forth like glorious light. I can almost taste it. I can smell it. I feel it deep down and all around me. The change is undeniable. The hope that is more than hope. So much shorter of a time before waiting for tomorrow will be living for today. Dreams become real, and reality becomes a dream. Soon, the time is measured in heartbeats, and it can only be a handful until it is here. Then what? Then like a great awhoom the joyful noise will surround and the arduous silence will be ended. The metaphysical was the more real this whole time, can you imagine that?

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