Friday, December 9, 2011

What I'm not

Sometimes I think perhaps women's problem with me is that they think I'm gay. So I've started this list.

Even though:
I am literate, intelligent and well dressed
I like musical theater,
I do not enjoy monster trucks, or strip clubs
I am open about my sexuality,
I have feelings,
I have enough control over my penis to not have sex with the fat women who throw themselves at me,
I have no desire to date an obese woman,
Bimbos hold no attraction for me,
I have never played a sport that involves smacking another guys butt (Soccer and Football),
I don't follow professional sports,
I am a liberal, which in addition to meaning I support the gay community, is also a reason I'm not a christian according to the majority of "christians" in my state.
I don't believe homosexuality is a sin,
I am capable of listening to women,
I find the women available on the dating market remarkably disappointing,

Dispite all these things and more which might indicate that I lean towards homosexuality.
1. I have never had an encounter with the same sex, never so much as kissed or held hands suspiciously with a man.
2. I desire a woman for a life partner, which is rather shocking because as I said women are rather disappointing. I think I should go into this further. I grew up with a caring mother and father, very accepting and supportive, and they still are to this day. This might seem like it would give me a head start in the realm of having a healthy relationship. However because of one decision my parents made when I was far too young to think about the consequences to my romantic life I live in a region that seems to be devoid of intelligent, attractive women who are attracted to me. This is not to say women don't like me, on the whole most do. It has more to do with the great rule in my life: Many people like me, I'm not thrilled with most of them. Yes this is a horribly arrogant thing to say. But face facts, just because I'm nice to you, would stop and help you push your car if you are stuck, will go out of my way to be kind to you, and may appear to like you, I don't. I love you as christ commanded me to love my neighbor. But as you may or may not be aware you are required to love your neighbor, not like them. Being kind is what love is about. And I might add in my part of the country we are pretty much expected to be courteous. But doing the right thing doesn't make me like people, often it contributes to my utter disdain for them. When I meet a woman, lets say, and I shower her with my affections, am faithful to her for years on end, marry her, buy a house for her, buy her everything I can afford to show her I care, work myself so hard I suffer a nervious breakdown, and her response is to cheat on me, blame me for that cheating and marry another man.... which incidentally is against the moral code we both claim to follow.... it doesn't exactly raise my opinion of the species.

When a woman that  I find attractive responds to my advances by getting in a relationship with a man who is horrible, does inconsiderate things, and in general a worse pick than me (I'm not in a sugar coating mood here), it lowers my respect for the species. When people come in to where I work every day and act like they have a right to ignore their kids while they roam around making a mess of my workplace, they themselves make a mess of my workplace, and I do all this for minimum wage? That's not helping my opinion of humanity. Today I had the errant thought "if I keep working here and around other people's kids I'm not going to want kids, because having kids means you have to entertain their friends, and I hate other people's kids."
Anyway despite the many drawbacks that women have, I prefer women. Which generally means I'm not a homosexual. But if it makes you feel better, you can treat me like one, because on the whole I think that homosexuals are nicer, kinder, and overall better people. At least than christian women, but that's an entirely different rant.

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