Monday, December 12, 2011

political rant

I'm posting this here because most of the people around me would have issues with my political ranting. They hate when I'm right is my theory. It's not easy being a liberal in the middle of a conservative state.
also I need to pump out my anger before trying to write a decent personal ad.
So I don't understand this country, I'll start out on that.
Somehow people think obama is going to lose this election. Let's look at the competition because I'm really trying to figure out how we could live in a sane world that would elect any of these loons:
Newt Gingritch: This is a man that independents and liberals have hated for two decades, and somehow he thinks he is going to get the independent vote. Yes he is smart, he's also a serial devorced republican wackjob who thinks being poor is what happens when you can't get a book deal, geez why can't everyone just cash in on being the speaker of the house like he has? He's a favorite among family values voters, because after all who believes in the sanctity of marriage than the guy that has done it four times? He's got 4 times the marriage belief and affairs of any candidate out there. Probably the reason Cain dropped out when his affairs started coming out is that he didn't want to get into a "Who's the bigger affair haver" contest with Newt. Because we all know Newt would win that contest.

Mitt Romney: He's an amusing candidate, because we all sense that deep down he has a brain. That brain hasn't figured out flip flopping more than John Kerry isn't going to be good for him. He makes Newt look steady, which is an accomplishment. If he had run as what we thought he was up until he started campaigning, a moderate, he would be able to take on obama. However like McCain before him, he has tried to absorb conservative issues and we all now hate him.

Bachman: She's crazy. She said the poor should stop taking hand outs and start dying. No wonder conservatives like her, if the poor were just dead then they could pave over the slums and put in that swimming pool they've been longing for. She is what would happen to Sarah Palin if she was drained of whatever folksy charm she has, and put in some more viscous rabid dog.

Ron Paul: Possibly the only interesting candidate, but he's not going to be elected. We've known he was nuts since the 2000 election. That's just where he belongs. God willing he will run as an independent to assure the republican loss in 2012

Now to round up the republican nuts off I want to adress the issue of a term the republicans seem to enjoy: "Millionaire job creators"

look, many smarter people than I have proven pretty conclusively, millionaire job creators are a rather silly concept. Demand creates jobs, market pressures create jobs. Millionaires, if they did in fact create jobs, do it because there is demand for that job to be done. If millionaires create jobs, then why did we get into this recession? Think about when this recession started we has just gotten done with more than 7 years of policy favorable to millionaires. So where are the jobs? Or where were they then? Did the millionaires get scared because Bush was unpopular and likely to leave an environment where a black democrat could win the presidency? I doubt it, especially considering that if this recession had not occured we would probably be looking at a McCain presidency. Just the facts there for you.

Oh it looks like I forgot about Rick Perry, well so has america.

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