Saturday, December 17, 2011

oh my

I know.... cheesy title, but it's descriptive.
I just can't describe the polar shift from cynic to hopeful in the past 48 hours. It's great. It just feels like the end of the tour right now..... as far as the single life goes. I hope it is.
"At the end of the tour
when the road dissappears
if there's anymore people around
when the tour runs aground
and if you're still around
then we'll meet at the end of the tour

The engagements are booked through the end of the world so we'll meet at the end of the tour."

That song, by they might be giants, was released the year I was born, it carries so much weight as to my feelings about single life. Like single life is a meandering search, from meaningless venue to meaningless venue, entertaining and putting on a show. And all we want is for the road to dissappear, for the tour to run aground as they so eloquently put it. We want to go home to the arms of someone to love us. I think that's where I'm going, I hope. You know me to be a rational man, or at least I hope that comes across. I'm worried I might try to change, I don't want to, but I do want her.... in more ways than you know.
We kissed.... last night at this time we kissed our first kiss..... it was so wonderful.
She let me hold her so fast.... she needed me, and I guess I needed her.

Two travelers wandering through time
searching, tumbling stumbling blindly
like a drunk in the dark, searching for a light switch
That ever elusive switch
so close but yet so far
to provide an end to the darkness and confusion
but it has until presently remained elusive

Aha, the switch is mine, they both say at once
and suddenly, the light that has been so absent is suddenly abundant.
The glass that had been empty is full
and the confusion that had been blinding is gone

Gone are the lost hours of anger and pain. Gone are all the doubts in humanity, in hope, in God even.
Suddenly anything is possible, and even if it wasn't
Life has become so wondrous that it seems the world is full of magic
the eyes that before saw only darkness
can now see the beauty that life holds

Now two travelers join hands
and travel together
There may be darkness ahead, there may be confusion again
but one thing is sure, they will never be alone.

She does things to me, good things....... I feel like a teenager sometimes.

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