Tuesday, December 13, 2011

masculinity, the male ego, and it;s effects

So I rarely say wonderful happy things. At least not on here, this is a traditional venting mechanism, as there is no one in my life that can possibly listen to all I have to say.
This is my last smoke of the semester. a semiofficial end to a time in my life.......
I mean of course of this kind of fake.... I'm not going to get into fake but it was introduced to me by a young lady who claimed to love me. This happened twice in the last six months. This is a triumph in a number of ways.
that I can evoke this kind of feeling
Damn that I'm that good to ensnare two women who feel enough to fake a major moving emotion
One or two beautiful nights. I'm just now rediscovering the night at the lake. God I wanted her. And got her..... what a high. You know if I become single in the long term sense, a confirmed old bachelor per se. Then I would take up searching for such short term joy for the rest of my life, perhaps how to turn it into the long term happiness that I so long for. A modern day cassanova if I can, intellectual and passionate.

So speaking of I'm realizing more and more the male ego is based on masculinity. Yes I am actually masculine, moreso all the time. It's addictive in it's own way, I pity men who lose it. Though the feminine is beautiful at times, even mysterious at it's best.... it's not addictive to me in any way. I was born to conquer.  paraphrase from battlefield earth: "I was born to be out there conquering galaxies not playing baby sitter to this MINING COLONY"
Men desire to dominate, conquer and control their world. I suppose all humans do, but men do it SO DAMN BLATANTLY. Intellectuals do it by understanding everything in their universe. muscle men do it by being strong enough to lift things, pushing the limits of their body and using that body to control their universe. Everyone does it. But fashion.... it does it with fabric... let's ignore the bizarre horror story of the past 50 years in men's fashion, at least all others than high fashion.

The tie, the root of all men's high fashion for the past 300 YEARS, came from the military. These mercinaries used early cravats to hold their suits closed. Then the french took it up, it developed into the necktie and bowtie. It came from the MILITARY, like most men's fashion.  You don't get more fucking manly than going in and roughing a country up. I'm going to learn to wear a bowtie. And a tux. Someday I want a suit with tails in purple.
The jacket's sharp lines say "Look at me, I'm in control"

before we continue about the masculinity of fashion

lets look at the masculinity of smoking. Men have spent so much time on the fashion of smoking that the past 20 years turning away from smoking in my mind is a crime against ART. To begin with smoking is a tradition dating back to the beginning of time. To the cradle of civilization in the middle east, where all smoking started with the hookah. What is that attached to in our minds? Rich Sultans, the most in control men in their world. I want to study how on earth society stayed so old in such old countries. Civilization STARTED in egypt. Yet the most culturally developed country in the world is either france or england, neither because fully civilized until 5000+ years later. and they didn't stay civilized until later. Anyway smoking represents mysticism, conquering natures forces, both chemical and real, such as fire.  Every form of smoking has had it's romance period..... however when men have tried to use tobacco other ways (chewing tobacco) it didn't do so well. There's no romance in chewing, though it is much harder in my humble opinion.

Fashion and smoking go side by side. Every look has it's appropriate smoke, all the good ones anyway. The great suits have a cigar or cigarette to go with them. Mostly cigars and rich men go hand in hand.  pipes and the cultured man go hand in hand. cigarettes and the american cowboy. Weed and college kids.

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