Thursday, May 23, 2013

truth in advertising

last thought for tonight, probably last big thought before my weekend is sucked up by work: Truth in advertising says that if you say you are selling something it has to be what you call it. You can't pull a bait and switch. This is why I can't sell a waffle iron and call it a toaster. So why can they label the political commentary 24 hour fear factory known as fox "news". News implies a certain amount of fact checking, or even truth and an attempt to inform. The language and presentation style on Fox do not show any kind of fact checking, or interest in informing. They want you to be terribly terribly mad. About what, you may ask? Anything you will swallow. They're going to take your guns.... They're going to..... I don't know what really because I can't get past the BS delivery method. OH, right, there's a giant government conspiracy to take all your money away. I'll take the logical route to explaining why this is a silly approach. Do you still have money? Have your guns been taken away? Have you lost your job because of Obama care? The chances are substantially high that none of this has happened to you. So what you just did is you essentially paid someone to get you stressed out over a non threat. You might as well start smoking, because stress is a proven killer. You don't have to live like that. Don't worry.... and if you insist on getting your upsetting news, at least read it. Reading allows your mind to sort things between upsetting and not upsetting. THINK blast you people, THINK.

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