Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why I don't care about your republican scare tactics

So, at the moment I am trapped in a red state, which for those of you out of the know means that I have access to the worst healthcare, education and government in the country. My senator is Inhofe. I have voted against him FOUR times. I wish I was overstating things by saying that I think that a well informed chimp would be an improvement. The main reason is that every time I see his name on the news he's doing something stupid. Today was one of those days!

So sometime yesterday afternoon our new friend Ted Cruz started filibustering because he wants to use the government shutdown scare tactic to force defunding of Obamacare. Now, let's take this at face value. This is a very rich man getting very very upset because poor people might get healthcare. The gall, if they live long enough they might climb out of their holes. This is at the same time as the Republican party attempts to defund food stamps. Because you know, people who eat because they can't afford food are leaches. Look, we have emotional issues here. He just got done after 21 hours. When I read the news support it said Inhofe was supporting him. At first I thought "Why would he do that? Doesn't he realize none of his constituents want a government shutdown?" Then I realized that he is in the position that he will never lose his seat. The Democrats gave up on this state a long time ago. Most liberals move, I know I will if I get the chance.

Look, they aren't going to defund Obamacare. The funding is set aside already and the bill already passed. Obamacare hurts no one other than big insurance. I think what we are really working on right now is setting up the complete loss of control by the Republicans in a year. Oh, and of course the fact that no one in government who affiliates with them can win a major election. The country, it would seem, is shifting to the left. When the center is considered the left, I guess we're all commies.

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