Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So, oh I have so many things to say, and such a limited time, space, and energy to express them.

My uncle died, and I'm going through tons of emotional shit, and I am pretty much entirely alone just me and God dealing together with this BS world.

BS means bullshit when I say it, not Bachelor of Science..... Quirky I know.

So I'm dealing with the concept of greed this week. I am actually almost always coming to terms with my own greed, as well as the greed of others. The secular world(and in fact most of the religious world) is so complacent about greed that it never diagnoses it as the source of a problem.

War, war is about greed. Greed says that those with the means to reach for power should get it, provided the ends justify the means. What people don't want to say is that when you're drunk on greed the ends always justify the means. So what if 100,000 people have to die, you get your power, right? So what if you endanger the lives of children, force families into poverty, cause long lasting damage, so what if you get your power. It says it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

I mean I could be talking about a number of things I know are wrong with the world. I could be talking about capitalism as it stands in America. I could be talking about foreign policy. I could be talking about domestic policy. The fact is that currently it looks like greed and greedy people are running the show. But let me tell you something, they don't. If you don't succumb to greed, and focus on self preservation, love and kindness they can't run you. Christ taught this back in Rome. The only freedom from slavery is if you don't buy into the system. You aren't a slave so long as you hold on to your human rights and stand up for the downtrodden. They don't know what to do with that.

The thing is that as long as you are breathing, thinking, and living, there are things they can't control any more than you could. They do not know what is coming around the corner. Regimes change overnight. Rome fell and petty dictators die. This is a fact. Every summer comes to an end into fall and winter. Ever winter comes to an end and warmth and spring follow.

Fear is all any evil person really has. Fear usually has some backing, but those with greed are further weakened by their quest for more power. They don't WANT you to fight them. You don't even ever have to take an aggressive action, you just take an assertive stance. You know the difference? An aggressive person says "How dare you treat me this way, I'll make you pay for that." This is petty and childish.
An assertive person says "The way your treating me is unacceptable. You can fix it, or there will be consequences. I will not let you control my emotions however."
When someone forces you to say that they aren't your friend. They are at best a neutral party to your life and at worst an enemy. The rest of the world says kill your enemies. I say love them. Tell them you understand they are hurt, or frustrated. Tell them that while you understand that, you had no involvement in making them that way. In fact, you want them to make the decision they feel is right for THEM. It'll change their worldview. "Wait, you don't want to hurt me for all the hurt I've caused you? But I had prepared for you to accuse me, instead you've forgiven me? I don't know how to respond. I certainly can't hurt you now without looking really bad."
People who are greedy are self focused. I know, I am a greedy person. However my greed is channeled into being all that God has made me to be. My greed says my treasure is in heaven.
Look into yourself, see a human just like them. Comfort that human, console that human. Give that human your kindness and compassion. No matter what they do from there, you have loved your neighbor.

The world is changing. Greed will not continue to win forever, in fact the Bible says that the riches the greedy have amassed will be handed over to the righteous.

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