Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I had this dream

I had this dream a little while ago. Sometimes I give thought to dreams, they seem to be either the echos or the burps of the unconscious and the spiritual.

I had this dream of a white room. In the white room an older Russian man was there to talk to me. I asked him if he was vladimir, he said he wasn't. He I perceived to be descending on a great cycle of rebirth. He was reaching the end of his cycle I thought. While I was reaching the apex of my climb. He seemed to want to examine me. I allowed this, because it seemed polite.

He couldn't speak to me, so odd, but he wrote a few words down for me. Ubermensch psychosis. That was his diagnosis. I woke up after that.

I have just spent a little time researching the Ubermensch, it's a concept of Friedrich Nietzsche's. He was if you remember an influence on Hitler, on Nazi-ism. I decided to read some of the book which the concept is in. It's called Thus Spake Zarathustra. In the part I read I realized more and more that the philosopher views the concept of a perfect being to be in defiance to God.

Which is where I diverge. I don't think it is God's plan that man be subdued. In my personal philosophy that is the direct opposite of what it is to be Christian. It is my view that man is to stretch towards God as far as he can. Is it not Christ's call that we become Christ-like? Yet it is also my view that a man should remain humble, and maybe that was my crime. Not the humility, the lack of it. Is it not such great vanity to assume one understands?

So yes I must grow up towards the sky and as far and strong as the earth should sustain me. Yet I must also not base my growth on a crutch, such as the concept of arrogance and greed. Those are my pitfalls. A great man does not become so because of his confidence in self, not that I've seen. Greatness is surviving and thriving in spite of opposition, and with full knowledge of the dangers faced. Christ knew when he came to this planet that redeeming would take a long time. He did it anyway. He knew he was to be crucified, yet with complete boldness he preached anyway. He outraged the authorities and did not rely on an easy out. Thus is my one desire, to become like that.

It is that singular focus that defines what meaning is in the reborn man. Didn't he say we must die to self, die to past and to our very sinful nature to be born anew? I don't think he was talking about starving ourselves, or punishing ourselves until we cry out in our self created suffering. God LOVES us. Christ died FOR us. While we were still in sin. He wipes us clean, and like a dutiful parent he continues to extend to us his grace. His grace is enough! I find new meaning in old words. His grace protects, covers, provides in spite of my human failings.

Ah to know the day of understanding, and yet what a wonderful taste I get as I grasp to try and understand myself. That is what dream therapy and interpretation is all about for me. It is there to understand the messages I send myself when I can finally find the sweet peace of sleep. 

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