Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A progressive candidate: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders announced he is running for president, and one of the first questions posed by the right was "Are Democratic voters angry enough to support Bernie Sanders for president?"
By right I mean to the right of Sanders, which is quite a bit of the people who control this country.
I've been watching him for years, every time both parties manage to make an ass of themselves, there he is. He's talking reasonable talk about taking care of the working class, who are after all the damn majority anyway.
So, short answer: Yes, we are quite tired of candidates that promise to take on the system, only to be weak/constantly attacked(or both). The poor in this country, and by that I mean the working poor, are tired of working hard and getting nowhere.

Long answer: Anger isn't the right word for it. To say I am angry I must feel cheated, and frankly I don't. I feel like the motivation system as it is does not work. There is no damn reason to work hard your whole life just to stay the same place your parents were. Which is why I want to drop out by 40, because I have better things to do with my life than worry about what to eat, where to sleep, and if I will have enough gas to get to work. God says to cast my cares on him, and I would like to experience a kind of security that makes that easier.

I've been crying out for change, revolutionary change, for at least the life of this blog (longer). I've been waiting for either the revolution to begin in earnest, or for change to come from within the system. I am not old enough to hold office, so I cannot be a part of the second solution. There is no viable revolution as of right now. The grassroots movements have fizzled, and it's going to take more than anger to win this battle.

Face it, the big corps aren't going to risk making us angry enough to rise up against 90% of the wealth of our country being in the hands of a small group of people and non-human entities. The Koch brothers are cool, calculating, and it is that kind of strategy that wins in the long term.

So in so many words I support Sanders. He's the best we're going to get this cycle. Yes a younger candidate would be more ideal, but Sanders has good energy, and the vitality that gives force to his message.

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