Tuesday, May 24, 2011

why are all villains so high class?

I don't know if this bothers anyone else, but have you noticed that in most children's movies the villains are cunning, classy and well educated(not to mention well dressed and having the best musical numbers), while the heroes are working class, uneducated,  and generally have nothing going for them other than a surprising good luck streak, charm, and good looks.
It's a pet peeve of mine that I wanted to use as an intro to this shocking revelation: Owls are cool.
I was watching Rockadoodle, and got addicted to the songs the owls (who are the villains) sing. Then I started thinking "Are owls cool?" So I found a website about owls, and, yes, they are. Is your mind blown?

So, Owl fun fact:
A group of Owls is called a parliament
Like in England. How cool is that?

Many species will bob and weave their head, as if curious about something - this is in fact to further improve their three-dimensional concept of what they are viewing.
Just cool, no ifs ands or buts about it.
Eagle owls can eat other birds the size of a duck. How cool would that be to see? the duck is unsuspecting of attack when suddenly it's consumed by an owl. Winner? Owl. Loser? Duck. Ducks are lame. Owls are cool.

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