Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Poverty appropriation

The subject of the article in question is the tiny house movement and how it demeans those who have no choice but poverty....... Oh god it's going to be an old fashioned rant.

I will be the first to acknowledge the complacency of the well to do and how it sickens the american worker. Yet this..... exclusion route you choose does not make sense to those of us who are already excluded by our birth communities. Just because someone chooses a life DOES NOT MEAN they don't deserve it. Example, you chose to write an article complaining about hipsters and the counterculture trying to understand your culture. Yes, I can see they did it in a way that offends you. Are you surprised?

Is there some kind of morality of the born poor, that the misery they feel is more genuine because of systemic oppression? I, like many of my born well off friends, will GLADLY tell you how EVEN YOU can have access to limitless fucking money. Because if THAT is what you value, I want you to have it, in abundance. GO buy your fucking mansion on the hill, hire a pool guy, a yard guy, and a fucking maid. Fuck the maid, and make sure you get a prenup so you can hold on to your precious MONEY.

I've been to hell and back trying to empathize with these people. There is an endemic hatred of those with culture, education, high social class. You can try to wash it off, it DOES NOT. I'm not going to say I've had it rough, because I know you think you've got it rougher. Who ever you are if you like wallowing in misery you have it worst. You win, feel better?

Nope. Because class warfare is a battle no one is winning right now. The forces we deal with are designed to keep us fighting each other. Look here, even now I'm having a little rant about my personal exclusion from a community.... When these are the people I want to stop being victimized.

I hate the system that distributes money and what money has become. I don't think capitalism is a bad concept... ok, it's flawed. The key motivation of capitalism is investment, and making money so detestable is a direct failure. It is my personal belief that if you continue to prop up the establishment, it will continue to fail you. We must deny them all we can, as they have denied us for so long. Perhaps they'll learn to fix their own cars and fill all the roles we once filled in the economy. Elon Musk seems to think so.

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