Monday, May 16, 2016

Maslow 2 ‘I was awfully curious to find out why I didn’t go insane’

‘I was awfully curious to find out why I didn’t go insane’

Maslow seems to think he wasn't insane. If he was not insane then what am I? At times I do lose grip on the world around me, yet I never doubt myself entirely, or lose all grip on where I have been.

They say I lost it. I'm not one to disagree, but I'm not dead. As long as air passes these lips, I exist. As long as I like a good pipe at the end of a rough ordeal, I am Max. From the proof of me caring about other's feelings, I have empathy.

Fear however is not a vital ingredient. Caution is.
Evil is not necessary either. Judgement of myself when I can bare to judge is the closest I may come.
Worry is dead. It won't be missed.

In fact I find myself quite sane, despite what others may say. Time and patience will prove the words true or false. If I am wrong then I will develop my arguments better next oppertunity. If I am right then I will have the joy of living in the truth.

looking ahead, looking behind

Sorry in advance for sparseness of updates.

Spent some time in the hospital, *shudder* never wanted those words to pass my lips. Ugh, the meds are terrible, the only thing more terrible is how shameful I feel over the whole incident. Yes, Max feels shameful for the 1st time in his life. Mark your calendars, since it's NEVER going to happen again. Not as long as I live.

That's the news for today. Not working anywhere exactly, more pacing and waiting for the world to be ready. When you have done all you can to stand, stand.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Yes, in fact I do have a reason for being AFK for 7-10 days

So... yeah, that happened. That referring to my long forced absence from anything social.

I was not well, I had to submit myself to medical help. It was not easy. I wouldn't go there again had I the choice. Yet... I cannot say what the future may hold. Maybe we're free. Perhaps it is the dawning of a new era.

Then again, who am I? Just a tired guy who wishes he could find any neverending source of peace.

One day at a time. One step at a time. We will get through the other end of my recovery together. If you compulsively need details... you know how to find me.

I got so close to what I thought was a way out I forgot to look where I was going. Next thing you know I'm negotiating harder than I ever have for my life and freedom.

