Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Back and pissed

Right, so in case you haven't noticed I've been missing for some time.
Some of that, was that life has really been getting me down lately, it really has.
More of it was that my laptop was taken from me. Get this:
One thursday night I sit down with my computer, like I always do, and it refuses to receive power.
So I contact Asus, who made the damn thing, they say that it is likely a power problem, and that I need to send it off to get fixed. So apparently best buy is the people to send this shit to. So I do that. And then a week later they call me. What started out as a power supply problem.... which is simple, turns out to be a problem with the fricken hard drive and motherboard.... four HUNDRED bucks (it was supposed to be a 200 dollar repair, this is important because later I will be screwed for these reasons.)
Right, so I call asus, and tell them this is not acceptable, at which point they say they can issue an RMA if I can get ahold of Best Buy. I spent 25 hours from friday the 27th to monday the 30th, and they WILL NOT LET ME speak to the repair center. The last thing I am informed of is that the only people who can speak to the repair crew are "the bridge", and that a note had been dispatched to "the bridge"........ I call on thursday to best buy, and they don't have any clue about what has happened, or where my computer is.

Today I get a call from best buy, my computer is back, and they are VERY sorry.... they will give me a discount on a new computer, but they cannot fix the problem because I did not indicate it was under warranty when I sent it off. I contacted Asus and they as well tell me it's my fault because I did not send it to them. Moral of the story: Both company are scum. They will suck your time away with delusions that they can fix your problem when they have more chance of fixing the uncertain political future of the middle east as of ;providing satisfactory customer service. To get good service buy the extended warranty, if you can't afford it you cannot afford their computers. End of story. Sorry that I am such a lousy customer for being FUCKING POOR/